Thursday, April 13, 2006

Stop Those Polish Jokes...

"Stop those Polish jokes and love those Polish folks, Polish blood is flowing through my veins..." Don't know who sang it, who's responsible for writing it, but I remember hearing that polka every Sunday morning while rodeoclown mom made dinner. Which is why we're spreadin' the word here about Save St. Stan’s Keilbasa campaign and other great events scheduled in protest of the proposed plans to demolish St. Stan's in Fells Point. Read more about it and the Divine Mercy Novena of Saint Maria Faustina, nine days of prayer on Save St. Stans!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Spring Cleaning

Our roving photojournalist captured one of Baltimore's fine, upstanding property owners doing a little bit of spring cleaning this past week on the southwest corner of Howard and Monument Streets in preparation, no doubt, for the expansion of CHAP's Mount Vernon Historic District west of the lightrail tracks. Always a good thing to get that embarrassing historic stuff out of the way before moving forward with CHAP to preserve Baltimore's history and architecture for the future. Also lightens CHAP's load...

It's going to be a surface lot, apparently. Let's hear it for Martin O'Malley's "Creative Class." We need more people like that in Baltimore, don't you agree?